Descargar Biblia Sefer Davar Pdf Gratis

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American Standard Version Bible
American Standard Version Bible (English).Public Domain text.

King James Version of the Holy Bible

King James Version of the Holy Bible 1611/1768.
Public Domain text.
Tyndale (Rogers, Coverdale) Bible
Restoration of the first New Testament translation in English from the original tongues by William Tyndale 1525-6 brought online into current type and go-spelling 2003. The text of Matthew is from the Cologne quarto (1525) fragment; till Chapter 22. The rest of the NT is from the Worms octavo edition of 1526. The Original OT Scriptures translated in English from the original tongue. The five books of Moses called the Pentateuch are from William Tyndale 1530. The rest of the Books are from Mathews Bible 1537 that incorporated the rest of Tyndale's work after his martyrdom; and from Miles Coverdale revised by John Rogers. Brought into verse form and modern spelling while retaining all archaics for edification 2004.
Public doman text.
May be quoted and used freely in all non-lucre distribution endeavors provided the content is not altered. If you find any transcription error please contact :,
Pirkei Avot English translation
With Permission of

Bible In Basic English 1949/1964
The BBE translates the Scripture using a basic dictionary of 850 words plus 150 Biblical Words; produced by Mr C. K. Ogden of the Orthological Institute. Public Domain text
Darby Bible
A literal translation of the Old Testament (1890) and the New Testament (1884) By John Nelson Darby (1800-82). Public Domain - Copy Freely
Book of Jasher
Book of Jasher, referred to in Joshua and Samuel II (apocryphal book, English). Big thank to Fernando Montemayor Monterrey, Mexico.
Jewish Publication Society Old Testament
Copyright (c) 1995-98, California, Larry Nelson. Noncommercial duplication of the JPS text by users is permitted. Any commercial use of the JPS text requires a license.
Revised Webster
Revised Webster Bible 1833.
Tyndale New Testament 1525 - 1526
First translated in English from the original tongues by William Tyndale 1525-26 brought online into current go-spelling. The text of Matthew is from the Cologne quarto (1525) fragment; till Chapter 22. The rest of the New Testament is from the Worms octavo edition of 1526.
If you find any transcription error please report it to
World English Bible
This public domain text copy of the World English Bible is a draft version.
(Translation is based on the American Standard Version of the Holy Bible first published in 1901, the Biblia Hebraica Stutgartensa OT, and the Greek Majority Text NT.) Typo reports and suggestions may be emailed to: Updates are available at
Webster 1833
Webster Bible 1833 (English edited King James Vervsion). Public Domain text.
Weymoth NT
Weymouth NT Translation 1912.

Sefer Davar Biblia Pdf


Sefer Davar Biblia Mesianica Completa

Una de las mejores traducciones (literales) de la Biblia. Download Full PDF Package. En este momento la gente comenz a invocar el Nombre de uleshet gam-hu yulad-ben vayikra Et-shemo enosh az huchal likro beshem Yahweh:. 5 Este es el libro de las Toldot generaciones de Ahdahm: En el da que Elohim cre a Ahdahm, a imagen de Et oto Elohim asah lo hizo ze sefer toldot Ahdahm beyom bero Elohim adam bidmut Elohim asa oto. Biblia Sefer Davar En Pdf Los verdadero creyentes que conocemos el evangelio de nuestro Seor Jesucristo. Sabemos que aun en la misma biblia los profetas menciona libros de referencias por ejemplo: en la epistola de Judas en el capitulo1 versiculo14 menciona que el profeta Enoc septimo despues de Adan profetizo y en ese versiculo recita un.

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